Matchmaking Launch Party!

Made for Jew TO is thrilled to announce the launch of our new Matchmaking service!

We’re so excited to create an avenue where we dedicate our time to finding your Beshert.  Who has the time to swipe through hundreds of profiles and to attend event after event? We want to make it easy for you. There are so many people we have met over the last two years that we know would be perfect together (and have not attended our events at the same time).

So, come help us celebrate!!!

Join us for a drink, hors d’oeuvres, hear about our special offers, and most importantly – meet new people!

Our last party had over 85 people, and we expect to see well over 100 attend. We will be raffling off two free one-month trial memberships (one for men and one for women)  – that’s happening at 10:00 pm so make sure you’re there for it!

Date: May 25, 2019

Time: 9:00 PM- 1:00 AM
Location: Scallywags,  11 St Clair Ave W

Price: $18 (includes your first drink and apps)

RSVP by May 23, 2019

Visit our new website for our matchmaking packages and all Made for Jew TO events!!

Got a question? contact Rochelle at